Behind the Gorilla Wrestling Podcast
My friend Harris and I host a weekly podcast where we delve into the wild, wacky and crazy history of professional wrestling. I record them via phone using the radio station's board and capture the audio with Adobe Audition. I then edit all the audio with Adobe Premier. New episodes drop every Monday at noon on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Spotify.
This is our biggest episode. We interview actor/wrestler David Arquette.

The Uncaped Crusaders Review (A Batman Podcast)
My friend Ian and I host a weekly podcast where we delve into the wild, wacky and crazy history of professional wrestling. I record them via Skype at the radio station I work at and capture the audio with Adobe Audition. I then edit all the audio with Adobe Premier. New episodes drop every Friday morning on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Spotify.